At Goldfinch School International, we focus on co-scholastic activities for the all-round development of students. We put equal emphasis on knowledge, life skills and values.


Events and celebrations

Goldfinch School International organise various events and celebrations throughout the year. The chief of them is the Annual Function. Here are some major events and celebrations that our schools organize. Sports Day is one of the most important days in the school calendar along with the day of the Annual Function. We encourage students to celebrate Grandparents’ Day so that students and the school can pay respect to the senior citizens in the community. Blue Ribbon Day celebrates our firm commitment for preventing child abuse.


Field trips

Field trips are a popular activity for all students. No matter how old they are or where they are headed, kids love to explore new places with their friends. At Goldfinch School International, we understand that any trip cannot qualify as a field trip. Good planning is necessary to ensure a successful and educationally relevant trip. Aims and objectives of field trips are to provide experiential learning (application of principles and concepts learnt for multiple subjects), holistic development (physical, social and emotional), and to enable formative assessment. Based on the expected learning outcomes, all outdoor activities/experiential programs are planned, designed and incorporated into the curriculum framework and lesson plans. Each school implements the outdoor activities/field trips as per their schedules. Annual outdoor activity /field trip plan is developed when the academic year commences.



Swami Vivekananda famously said, “Be strong, my young friends; that is my advice to you. You will be nearer to Heaven through football than through the study of the Gita.” Age-appropriate development of the body helps nurture a sound mind. At Goldfinch School International, we offer various options for sports. In sports, we recommend football, basketball, volleyball, lawn tennis, badminton, and swimming (apart from indoor sports like table tennis and carom).